Home of the Wolves

Welcome to Ashley Grade School

                        Where Every Child is Important


Our Mission

The mission of the Ashley Elementary School is to be committed to reaching the goals of all students at their learning level. 

It is important that the parents and other community leaders play an active role in helping all students reach their highest possible level of learning. 

The faculty is dedicated to participating in staff development opportunities that will enable us to be trained, effective teachers that will be able to meet the educational needs and challenges of all our students.

Our Vision 

The vision of Ashley Elementary School, District #15, is to provide educational experiences that will enable all learners to become successful, productive responsible citizens and lifelong learners in an ever changing world.

The district will provide all learners with an opportunity to achieve educational skills to compete for  jobs in the twenty-first century.




6-7 PM




Just a few more days until school will begin!!! 

As a reminder, all incoming kindergarten students must have proof of residence certified birth certificate, current physical with kindergarten shots, dental exam and an eye exam PRIOR to the start of school.

Second graders are required to have a dental exam.

Sixth graders are required to have a physical with two immunization boosters and a dental exam prior to the start of school.

All fees are to be paid prior to beginning school.

ALL items need to be turned into the office prior to Open House. The school office is open every day now! Please feel free to call the office at 485-6611 if you have questions.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!



Save the Date - July 26 (Friday) from 6-7 pm! 

Please click on the link below for additional information.


Hello and Happy Summer!

I hope you are enjoying your summer thus far. It seems like we just got out for summer break.

Anyway, online registration for the upcoming year (2024-2025) will be available from July 1-31, 2024. You will want to go to teacherease.com and login as usual. You should then be directed to complete enrollment for the upcoming school year.  I believe the process should be much easier this year. 

If you are unable to register online, we will have two in-person registration days which are July 10 and 11, 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm.

Please feel free to call the school if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you!

Mrs. Angela  


Exciting News!!!

When students and staff return in August, they will see some major changes to the inside of the school building. Through a school maintenance grant (50/50 matching), the Board of Education authorized work to enclose the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade classrooms. This work involves fully enclosing the classrooms (walls, entry doors, etc.).  We feel this is not only a way to decrease everyday “noise” but also provides an increased safety barrier for our students. This project is one that the Board of Education has had in mind for quite some time. Eventually, we would like to have all classrooms enclosed. Throughout the summer, pictures of the work progress will be placed on the school website and the PTO Facebook page.


Please click on the link below:

5Essentials Survey


E-Learning Attendance Login Instructions

Log-In Instructions

When an e-Learning day is in place, parents/guardians are to check in their child on TeacherEase.com for attendance.

To do so, you need to go to www.teacherease.com, type in your email address and password. Once you have logged in, a box should pop up for you to “check in” your child.

In order to report attendance, you MUST have an email address in teacherease.com; also, only the custodial parents/guardians are able to check in a child for attendance. I believe there have been some problems with caregivers attempting to log in children previously. Caregivers do not have the ability to log in to teacherease and report attendance for children (unless they are noted as a “custodial” person).

If you do not have an email address or are having trouble logging into teacherease, please contact the school office. Ms. Angela will walk you through the process and get you signed up for teacherease.



This is the link for our 2023 Christmas Program!


Copy, Paste & Go!

Merry Christmas!!




This is the link for our Christmas Program!


Copy, Paste & Go!

Merry Christmas!!


Student Registration for the 2022 - 2023 school year will be ONLINE only. You will be able to register online from July 1-31, 2022 . In order to register online, go to www.teacherease.com and log in. Please note that you will be required to pay school fees online to complete the registration process. The 2022 - 2023 fees will remain unchanged from 2021 - 2022. If you should have questions, please feel free to contact the school office. 



2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR

Ashley Grade School Kindergarten Screenings and Registration will be held on Thursday, April 28 from 1:00-4:00 pm for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.

Students will need a certified birth certificate (not a copy), physical with up-to-date immunizations, dental and vision exams, and proof of residency in the school district. Please bring these items with you to your scheduled appointment.

Kindergarten students must be five (5) years of age on or before
September 1, 2022.

Please call (618) 485-6611 to schedule an appointment.




DECEMBER 15, 2021

Please copy and paste the link below to view the program.



(Please Click on the Link)

2021-2022 Return to School Guidelines (Plan)

Governor JB Pritzker announced an Executive Order that supports safe in-person learning and requires that masks be worn indoors by all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status. 

Our school district will begin the 2021-2022 school year at Tier 2 status, which specifies that students - and now all individuals in the school building - will be required to wear masks throughout the day.



Registration for the upcoming school year will be Thursday,

July 22, 2021 from 9 am to 5 pm. Online registration will be available soon along with the health requirements for Kindergarten, 2nd Grade and 6th Grade.

For the 2021-2022 school year, Ashley Grade School will have in-person learning Monday through Friday. The first student attendance day is Friday, August 13, 2021. School will be in session from 8:20 am to 3:00 pm… This will include August 13, 2021. This will be a normal school day.

At this time, Ashley Grade School has plans to follow Illinois Department of Public Health, Washington County Health Department, and the Illinois State Board of Education guidelines and requirements regarding COVID mitigations. This includes the wearing of face masks, social distancing, screening, hand washing and cleaning protocols. The district will be required to follow contact tracing and quarantine protocols put forth by the IDPH and Washington County Health Department. As these guidelines change and update, the district will adapt our procedures.


Ashley Grade School received this information today, January 4, 2021.

For anyone who may be in need!


October 7, 2020

 Dear Families and Staff:

This letter is to inform you that an individual at Ashley Grade School has tested positive for COVID-19. We are coordinating our efforts with the Washington County Health Department and other local health departments to promptly identify and monitor individuals who have had recent contact with the COVID-19 positive individual to prevent further spread within our school and community. The health and safety of Ashley Grade School students and staff is our highest priority, and we recognize the uncertainty and concern regarding the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the state and local health departments for best practices and procedures to protect everyone’s health.

To prevent further spread of the disease, Ashley Grade School is taking the following steps:

We will continue to enforce safe practices to prevent, promptly identify, and respond to potential COVID cases, as follows:

As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Sick persons should contact their health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should immediately seek medical care. If your child has had close contact with a known case of COVID-19, keep the child at home and notify your primary healthcare provider, your local health department, and Ashley Grade School.

We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID-19 prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at 618-485-6611.


Brian Hodge



September 8, 2020


Dear Families and Staff:

This letter is to inform you that there have been individuals at Ashley Community Consolidated School District No. 15 that have been required, by our local health department, to quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19. None of the individuals tested positive for COVID-19. We are coordinating our efforts with the Washington County Health Department to promptly identify and monitor individuals who have had recent contact with any COVID-19 positive individual(s) to prevent further spread within our school and community. The health and safety of Ashley Grade School students and staff is our highest priority, and we recognize the uncertainty and concern regarding the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the state and local health departments for best practices and procedures to protect everyone’s health.

To prevent further spread of the disease, Ashley Grade School is taking the following steps:

 ·         Placing staff members and students who are identified as having prolonged close contact to the COVID-19 case(s) in quarantine for 14 days. Close contacts will also receive a separate notification from the Washington County Health Department.

·         Ongoing monitoring of students and staff for signs and symptoms of illness and evaluation of illness reports to promptly identify possible outbreaks.

·         Conducting a deep clean and disinfection of the areas impacted by potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus. 

We will continue to enforce safe practices to prevent, promptly identify, and respond to potential COVID cases, as follows:

·         Students and staff who are ill with COVID-like symptoms will promptly be placed in a separate supervised area away from others until they can be sent home.

·         Students are required to wear face coverings at all times, as previously directed and per school policy.

·         Staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in contact with children and other staff in the facility.

·         All students and staff undergo temperature checks upon entering the school building(s).

·         We are continuously sanitizing high-touch surfaces including door handles, sink faucets, water bottle filling stations, etc.

·         We are reinforcing to students the importance of face coverings, social distancing, and proper hand washing/sanitizing.

·         As we receive more information from the Department of Public Health and other entities, we will implement additional recommendations and guidelines.

As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Sick persons should contact their health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately. 

If your child has had close contact with a known case of COVID-19, keep the child at home and notify your primary healthcare provider, your local health department, and Ashley Grade School.

We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID-19 prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at 618-485-6611.


Brian Hodge







Please welcome the newest member of the Ashley Grade School staff.... 

Ms. Brittany Ward has accepted the position of

Special Education Resource (Grades K-4)

and 3rd Grade has a new teacher,

Mrs. Amanda Cary.

Welcome Aboard!

2020-2021 School Year Reopening Plan 

The Board of Education met Monday, July 27, 2020 and a decision was made collectively with administration and staff regarding student learning for the 2020‑2021 school year. The first day of student attendance will now be 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020.

We have adopted a blended learning model. The school day will consist of onsite learning from 8:20 am until 1:45 pm Monday through Thursday and for those who have chosen the remote learning option, learning will take place on those days from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. On Fridays, there will be no student attendance. However, on this day, all students will engage in remote learning.

All students will be screened for COVID19 symptoms and undergo temperature checks. Masks are required to be worn while at school and on the buses.

Registration is in progress. You may register online through www.teacherease.com with your email or if you prefer, you may pick up paperwork at the school office. As soon as possible, please let the school know if you will be choosing ONSITE instruction or REMOTE learning.

If a parent/guardian chooses to have their child receive remote learning, that child remains in remote learning for the entire quarter.

Our 2020-2021 school reopening plan will soon be made available on our school website or in hard copy form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office at 485-6611.

Thank you!!


April 17, 2020

A Note from Mr. Hodge:

Governor Pritzker has announced the suspension of in-person learning for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.  More details will soon follow.

As always, thank you for your patience and support during this unprecedented time. 


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