
Student/Parent Handbook

Ashley Grade School 2007-2008 Handbook

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This handbook is not intended to create a contractual relationship with the student; rather, it is intended to describe the school, practices, procedures, rules and regulations (or code of conduct).  Membership or participation in school sanctioned activity is a privilege and not a property right.




In accordance with the federal and state laws, < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Ashley Grade School has been inspected to determine the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials and has developed an asbestos-containing material plan as needed to protect the health of students and staff members.  A copy of the district’s management plan is on file in the school office.




Ashley School District has an integrated pest management program that incorporates guidelines developed by the Illinois Department of Public Health.  The plan provides for each school in the district to be serviced on a monthly basis using baits and liquid insecticides during non school hours.  Act 91-0525, effective August 1, 2000, Ashley Grade School will provide two days notice (via a newsletter, bulletin, calendar, or other school published correspondence) to parents/guardians of any additional pesticide application in a school.




Since July 1, 1975, school employees have been required to report suspected cases of child abuse.  Ashley Grade School must and will report suspected cases to the proper authorities.


The 81st General Assembly amended the Illinois School Code to provide a penalty for school employees who fail to report a case of suspected child abuse and/or neglect.  Hereafter, employees who fail to report suspected cases face the possibility of having their certificate suspended for a period of one year.  Suspension is to be done by the Regional or State Superintendent of Education, with hearing rights afforded the employee and with appeal rights to the State Board available.




Students should arrive at school no earlier than 7:45 a.m. Students must go to the gym and await the 8:20 bell before entering the classroom area, unless reporting for breakfast, ELO, or have a pass from the teacher to a classroom.


The aides will issue passes for the students to enter the classroom area before 8:20.  Arrangements must be made ahead of time with the classroom teacher.  The teacher furnishes the passes to the aides.






Parents/Guardians who disagree with an action taken by a teacher with regard to class work, discipline or procedures should arrange a meeting with that teacher first.  This conference may be done either before or after school.  If a solution cannot be achieved, then a meeting can be scheduled, with the superintendent, with all parties present.


If the nature of the concern deals with district policy and procedures, and has not been resolved by the superintendent, then the concern may be brought before the school board.




Kindergarten students are expected to be potty trained when they are enrolled in school.  In the event of an accident where the student’s clothing is wet or soiled, the student will be expected to clean himself/herself and put on clean clothes.  If the child is not capable of cleaning himself/herself then the parents are expected to come to school and clean the child.  It is permissible for the parents to send a clean change of clothes for the student to be kept at school.  The Kindergarten teacher or other staff members will not be responsible for cleaning the student or changing his/her clothes.




Ashley Grade School has a closed campus policy.  Once students arrive at school, they are not to leave the school grounds until it is time to go home at 3:00 p.m.  Any circumstances, such as going home for lunch, which would be an exception, must be brought to the attention of the office for approval.  All parents/guardians must sign their child in and out in the office when leaving school during regular school hours.


Students who plan to go home with someone else after school must bring a note from their parents.  This applies whether or not the students ride the bus.  The student takes the note to the homeroom teacher for initials and then to the office for approval.


Students who ride the bus to school must not walk home unless they bring a permission note from their parents.


No student walking home or being picked up by parents/guardians will be dismissed before all buses have left on their routes.


Recent educational findings strongly support the soundness of this policy as a means of controlling student safety and general welfare.








Book Rental - Kindergarten through 8th grade------------------------$25.00                          

School Time Student Insurance K-8------------------------------------$ FREE

Around-the-Clock Student Insurance (24 hours)----------------------$55.00

Student Breakfasts includes milk ($.90 each)-------------------------$4.50/week

Student Lunches includes milk ($1.50 each)      -------------------------$7.50/week

Extra Milk/Milk Break------------------------------ ---------------------$0.20

Adult Lunches ($1.80 each)----------------------------------------------$9.00/week


·        Students will only be allowed a maximum of 10 lunch charges. Students will not be allowed a school lunch if they have 10 charges and will be provided a basic alternative lunch.


·        Lunch Money and Book Rental must be paid-up by the end of the school year or students will not be able to go on the end-of-year field trips.




The Illinois State Free or Reduced Lunch Program provides that all children from families with gross incomes falling below established economic guidelines are entitled to free or reduced lunches.


Additional information will be sent home with each child.  If you are eligible, please fill out the application and return it to school immediately.




The district will provide an opportunity for students to purchase accident insurance through Illinois School District Agency.  Parents should read the coverage and exclusions carefully.  This program provides basic service and may cover the time a student is in school (school time), attending school-sponsored activities, or 24-hour coverage.




Book rental fees cover the cost of consumable workbooks, textbooks that have not been purchased though the textbook program, some art supplies, and Weekly Readers.  Application for textbook fee waiver may be filed by those who need financial assistance.

Applications may be obtained in the office.  Supply fees, Weekly Reader, and workbooks are excluded from the waiver.  Book Rental fee is $25.00.  If waiver application is approved, the supply fee is $6.00.




Parents should avoid sending medication to school if possible.  Medication should be given before the start of school so that the next dose will occur after school has been dismissed.  If medication is absolutely necessary for the health and well being of the student and must be given during school time, the following policy should be followed:


SHORT TERM - Medication that will be taken for less than 2 weeks.


1.  The medication must be brought to school in the container labeled by the physician or pharmacy.


2.  Only the amount needed should be brought for the day or week.  Liquid medication should be pre-measured.  Any small container, such as Tupperware, may be used as long as it is appropriately labeled.


3.  A note from the parent giving permission to administer the medication is required.


LONG TERM - Medication that will be taken every day for more than 2 weeks.


1.  A medication authorization form needs to be completed by your child’s physician and signed by the parent.


2.  The medication must be brought to school in the container labeled by the physician or pharmacy.


3.  Enough medication for the week or month should be brought to school.




If a child becomes ill during school hours, the teacher in charge will refer him/her to the office.  If it is necessary that the student go home, the parents will be called from the office.  A doctor’s excuse must be furnished if a student has to miss more than three consecutive days of Physical Education.


Students cannot be excused to go home without the permission of the parent/guardian.


If your child is ill, always report it to the school.  Follow the recommended procedures below for your child’s re-admission to school if he/she has been absent due to:


Chicken Pox – Student must remain out of school for at least six days after the appearance of the first eruption.

Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye – Student may return to school after treatment has begun and is free of symptoms.  Proof of having purchased recommended medication must be brought to school.

Head Lice - Student may return to school the next day after treatment has begun and must show proof of having used the recommended treatment.  He/she must be nit-free 10 days after initial treatment or he/she will be excluded from school.

Hepatitis – Student may return to school only with a doctor’s permit.

Impetigo – Student will return to school after treatment has begun and show proof of having purchased the recommended medication.

Measles – Student will remain out of school for 7 days after the appearance of the rash.

Mononucleosis – Student may return to school only with a doctor’s permit.

Mumps – Student will remain out of school for 9 days after the onset of the swelling.

Poison Ivy - Student may return to school after treatment has begun and show proof of having purchased the recommended treatment.

Ringworm – Student may return to school after treatment has begun and show proof of having purchased the recommended treatment.

Rubella or German Measles – Student may return to school 7 days after the onset of rash.

Scabies – Student may return to school after treatment has begun and show proof of having purchased the recommended treatment.

Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever – Student may return to school after 24 hours of treatment with antibiotics, provided treatment is continued for a minimum of 10 days.


The school reserves the right to request a doctor’s permit for a student to return to school if the nurse and/or Superintendent feel this procedure is necessary for the protection of the other students.




“Vision Screening will be done, as mandated by IDPH, for all children at Ashley Grade School yearly.  Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor.  Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening IF an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months and that evaluation is on file at the school.  This notice is not a permission to test and is not required to be returned.  Vision screening is NOT an option.  If a vision examination report is not on file at the school for your child, your child will be screened.”  Hearing screenings are also conducted yearly.


(105 ILCS 5/27 8.1)  (Public Act 93-0504)  (SB 0805)




All students must have a physical examination on file.  These physicals must be conducted within one year prior to entering kindergarten and fifth grade.  Out-of-state students transferring to Illinois must be able to show proof of a physical that has been conducted within one year and is comparable to Illinois requirements.


Dental examinations are required for students entering Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th grades.  Students who fail to meet the physical and immunization requirements by October 15, will be excluded from school until the deficiency is met.


Students must provide the school with evidence that they have received the required immunizations.  These include diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, rubella, rubeola, and mumps.  Students entering kindergarten must also present proof of a lead screening.  Students entering fifth grade must present proof of Hepatitis B vaccination.




Head lice are a common problem in every school and can happen to any family.  The important thing is to treat the problem and notify the school and everyone with whom your child has come in close contact.  Children found to have head lice will be sent home immediately.  Children will be re-checked for head lice when they return to school and may stay at school only if no nits are found on the child, as per the no nit policy of Ashley Grade School.




It is the opinion of the Ashley Grade School Board of Education that head lice is a nuisance and disruptive to the learning environment.  Therefore, no student shall be allowed to remain in attendance at school as long as there is the presence of any lice or nits in the student’s hair.

It is the responsibility of the parent to treat head lice in an appropriate and prompt manner so the student misses as little of the valuable instruction time as possible.  Parents should also take care and time to ensure that the student is nit free before returning to school. 


An adult is required to accompany the child to school to be rechecked in the event the child needs to be returned home.  Proof of treatment must be provided upon return to school.


It is the opinion of Ashley Grade School Board of Education that no child should miss numerous days of school due to head lice. The responsibility lies with the parent to ensure that they do all they can promptly to get students back in school within the guidelines of this policy.  A conference shall be held between the parents and administration if excessive absences occur due to head lice, and appropriate authorities may be notified as well.




Each student should have an emergency information card on file in the office.  At least one current phone number (home and work) should be provided so that parents can be contacted during school hours.  This helps us when a student is sick or injured.




Schools are responsible for making a reasonable effort to promptly telephone and notify the parents of a child enrolled in grades K-8 of the child’s absence.  School personnel will use the telephone numbers listed on the emergency form unless they are instructed

otherwise by the parent.  Parents must call the school (485-6611) to report an absence.  Calls should be made before 9:30 a.m.  State law requires the schools be responsible for obtaining the reason for your child’s absence.

A student may not attend a school activity on the day he/she is absent unless the absence is due to a doctor appointment.  Students must be present by 11:30 a.m. to take part in any activities scheduled after school on that day.




Bullying, as specified by the Illinois School Code, 105ILCS 5/10-20.14, is prohibited.  A copy of this policy in the Illinois School Code is available in the school office.




Grades 5-8 - Having an unexcused tardy more than twice in a reporting period will result in an after school detention.  Any arrival after 8:30 a.m. is considered tardy.  Each subsequent tardy for that reporting period results in an after school detention.


Grades K-4 - Repeated tardiness will result in parents being contacted for a conference.


Grades K-8 - Repeated tardiness, five (5) tardies per quarter, will result in parents being contacted by the homeroom teacher for a conference.




Truant - a child who is absent without valid cause for the school day or portion thereof.


Valid Cause - child absent from school because of illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, situation beyond the control of the student as determined by the School Board, or other circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student.


Chronic or Habitual Truant - any Child who is truant 3 or more consecutive days or 15 percent or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days.  Any person(s) who induces or attempts to induce any child to be absent from school unlawfully or who knowingly employs or harbors any child, causing unlawful absence from school, is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.


Student absence without valid cause will be reported to the county truant officer for investigation to determine the cause of absenteeism and to gather necessary data for prosecution.


Truant Minor - a child to whom supportive services, including prevention, diagnostic intervention and remedial services, alternative programs and other school and community resources have been provided and have failed to result in the cessation of chronic truancy or have been offered and refused.


Using the above definitions, it will be determined if the child is truant, chronic or habitual truant, or a truant minor.  An appropriate staff member will develop diagnostic procedures to be used with such student.  The diagnostic procedures may include, but are not limited to, counseling services for the student or student’s parent/guardian, a health evaluation by the school nurse, or clinical evaluation by the Kaskaskia Special Education District.


The following supportive services may be offered to a student who is experiencing an attendance problem:

            Parent/Teacher conferences

            Counseling services by social workers

            Counseling services by psychologists

            Psychological testing

Tutoring assistant program


When supportive services offered to the student prove ineffective, the Superintendent will call upon the Truant Officer of the Educational Service Region and/or County Juvenile Officer with such information for the performance of their duties.

All action shall be in accordance with The School Code of Illinois.




Any change in a student’s name, address, or telephone number should be reported to the office immediately




In case of emergency school closing (full day or early dismissal), the official announcement may be heard on WILY (1210 AM), WMIX (94 FM), KMOX (1120 AM), WNSV (104.7), and TV stations KSDK Channel 5 and KMOV Channel 4.




On days when heavy fog or other weather conditions warrant it, school opening will be delayed until 9:30 a.m.  On these days, announcements will be made on radio stations WNSV (104.7 FM), WILY (1210 AM), and WMIX (94 AM) before time for the buses to run.  On these days, the buses will be running 1 hour later than usual.




School telephones are to be used by students for emergencies only and then only on the office phone with office permission.  Please make arrangements with parents before leaving home in the morning dealing with after school activities.  The school has provided a pay phone in the cafeteria to be used by students as their first option.   




Students riding their bicycles to school must abide by the following rules:

     1.  Bicycles must be placed in the bicycle racks immediately upon arriving at school.

     2.  Students, bicycle riders, and non riders are not permitted to linger around the             

          bicycle racks.

     3.  No bicycle riding on school property, including sidewalks.

     4.  Abide by all State bicycle safety rules while riding to and from school.


     5.  When leaving school, students should go north to Clay Street, then east or west on

          Clay Street.




Bus transportation will be provided for all students who live 1-1/2 miles or more from school and those living less than 1-1/2 miles if walking to school constitutes a serious hazard to pupil safety due to vehicular traffic as defined in Public Law 81-762.


Transportation will also be provided for students who attend special education classes in another district.




  1.  All students riding the buses for any purpose are subject to the control of the bus

driver and any adult sponsor accompanying a group of students. In an effort to maintain an efficient transportation schedule, it is very important for all students to be at the pick-up point when the bus arrives.  In addition, to ensure the safety of all students, the bus should not sit on a road waiting for students.

  3.  Students must be seated before the bus will be put in operation and must remain

       seated during its operation.  At no time shall a student extend their head or arm

       outside a bus window.

  4.  There must be no loud talking, yelling, whistling, or throwing objects on the bus.

  5.  Yelling from a bus to pedestrians will not be allowed.

  6.  Foul, abusive, or profane language will not be permitted.

  7.  Silence must be maintained while the bus is stopped at railroad crossings.

  8.  Enter and leave by the front door.

  9.  A driver or teacher must be present before students are permitted to enter the bus.

10.  Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.

11.  Remain in the bus when there is a road emergency until instructions are given by the


12.  Everyone should make an effort to keep the buses neat and clean.  Paper, refuse, and

       the like should be deposited in a waste container in the bus.  The articles should not

       be discarded along the highway.  (State law prohibits this.)

13.  Shoes with spikes or cleats will not be worn on the bus.  They must be removed

       before boarding the bus.  After an athletic event, mud should be removed from

       students’ shoes before entering the bus.                                                                

14.  Eating or drinking is not permitted on the bus.

15.  Treat the bus as one would valuable furniture in one’s own home.  Never tamper

       with the bus or any of its parts.

16.  Carry no animals on the bus without permission of the principal.

17.  Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisle.

18.  Be courteous to other people and the bus driver.

19.  Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.

20.  Do not ask the driver to stop at any place except at your own bus stop.  The driver

       is not allowed to do this except with permission of the school principal.

21.  Obey safety rules when getting off the bus.  If students have to cross the highway,

       they must walk to a spot at least 10 feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder of

       the highway.  Be sure students can see the buses and cars going both ways.  Students

       should wait until the bus driver signals them to cross.

22.  Remember that it is hard to drive a bus.  The driver must pay attention to driving.

       It is important that the riders do not cause problems.

23.  Violation of the rules of conduct listed above may result in a Transportation         

       Disciplinary Report being filed by the bus driver.

24.  Anything else not covered here that is deemed hazardous or inappropriate by the bus   

       driver, adult sponsor, or superintendent.

25.    If students are not going to ride the bus in the morning, the bus driver should be notified by phone the night before or the bus contractor no later than 6:30 A.M.  The number for Sherman Bus Service is 787-4022.

26.    All weapon rules and consequences as outlined in the “weapons” section of the school handbook, shall fully apply to all bus routes, including those to field trips, athletic events, etc.


Students will receive detentions for misconduct on the bus and students may be removed from the bus for periods of time depending on the severity of the misconduct or for frequent cases of misconduct on the bus. After every 3rd detention point received for bus misconduct, the student will receive one day of Bus Suspension.  Repeated or severe bus misconduct may result in more severe punishment including, but not limited to, longer periods of bus suspension, recommendation for bus expulsion or suspension and/or expulsion from school.  All abusive physical contact will result in a 2-day suspension from the bus on first offense.  If second offense occurs, there will be a suspension of bus privileges for two weeks.  Any offenses past this will have the possibility of the student being suspended for the rest of the year.  Parents of students removed from a bus for a period of time shall be required to provide transportation to and from school for the student during the period of removal.





Because pupils are being transported to extracurricular activities as well as to and from school, and the ever increasing number of accidents on the highways, there is a need to instruct pupils how to vacate a bus in case of an emergency.  In order to avoid panic and overcrowding of the exits, Emergency Exit Drills will be conducted at the school under the supervision of the bus drivers and the superintendent.  All pupils will participate whether they ride on a regular basis or not.




There will be a snow route distributed no later than one month following the first day of school.




A newsletter will be sent home with students on a monthly basis.  The newsletter will include monthly events and activities.  All information going into the newsletter and all notes sent home must be approved by the superintendent.




District personnel such as school administrators, teachers, counselors, school nurses, speech therapists, school psychologists, and social workers normally have a current and legitimate educational interest in student records, and shall have access as needed for professional purposes.


Student’s records shall be made available to parents of the student within 15 school days of the time a written request for review is submitted to the Superintendent, who is designated as custodian of the records.  The superintendent or his/her designee shall be present to discuss these records when they are reviewed.


Parents may copy or request copies of any of their child’s school records or information contained therein.  The cost of such copies shall be no more than $.35 per page.


Student records may be made available to researchers for statistical purposes, provided that:

      a.  permission had been received from the State Superintendent of Education, and

      b.  no student or parent will personally be identified from the information released.


Review and Challenge of Student Records:


1.   Parents and guardians shall have the right to challenge the accuracy, relevance and/or  

      propriety of any entry in the school student records, exclusive of the grades of their


2.   A request for an informal conference with the Superintendent to challenge the

      contents of a student’s records as noted in #1 above, shall be made in writing to

      the Superintendent, and shall state in specific terms what entries in the student’s

      record are being challenged or questioned.  The informal conference with the parents

      or guardians shall be held within 15 days of the receipt of the written request for said        


3.   If the challenge is not resolved by the informal conference, a formal hearing shall be

      held within 15 days of the initial conference, and shall be heard by the President of

      the Ashley Board of Education.  At the hearing, each party shall have the rights as

      outlined by law.


      a.   The right to present evidence and to call witnesses.

      b.   The right to cross-examine witnesses.

      c.   The right to counsel.

      d.   The right to written statement of any decision and the reason thereof.


     A verbatim record of the hearing shall be made by a tape recorder or a court reporter.

     A typewritten transcript may be prepared by either party in the event of an appeal of

     the hearing officer’s decision.  However, a typewritten transcript is not required in an



     The decision of the hearing officer shall be rendered no later than 10 school days after

     the conclusion of the hearing and shall be transmitted immediately to the parents and

     school district.  Said decision shall be based solely on the information presented at the

     hearing and shall be one of the following:


        1.   To retain the challenged contents of the student record.

        2.   To remove the challenged contents of the student record.

        3.   To change, clarify, or add to the challenged contents of the student record.


      Any party shall have the right to appeal the decision of the local hearing officer to the

      Superintendent of the Educational Service Region within 20 school days after such

      decision is transmitted.  If the parent appeals, the parent shall so inform the school,

      and within 10 school days the school shall forward a transcript of the hearing, a copy

      of the record entry in question, and other pertinent materials to the Superintendent of

      the Educational Service Region.  The school may initiate an appeal on its own behalf

      by the same procedures.  Upon receipt of such documents, the superintendent of the

      Educational Service Region shall examine the documents and records, make findings

      and issue a decision to the parents and the school within 20 school days of the receipt

      of the appeal documents.


               If the subject of the appeal involves the accuracy, relevance, or propriety of any

               entry in special education records, the Educational Service Region should ask

               advice from appropriate special education personnel who were not the authors

               of the entry.  The school shall be responsible for implementing the decision of

               the Superintendent of the Educational Service Region.


Maintenance and Security of Records:


      Records for current students are kept and maintained in the Superintendent’s

      office and are protected behind locked files when not in use.  After a student

      graduates or otherwise leaves Ashley School, all permanent records for that

      individual will be forwarded to the attending high school, or Special Education

      District, and stored for a minimum of 60 years.


      Temporary records of all students no longer enrolled in Ashley District #15 will

      be reviewed by the Custodian of Records and destroyed on November 1 of the year

      following the student’s departure.


Before this is carried out, the parent of those students concerned will be given notice so they may copy the records and information to be destroyed or deleted.


A review of student records to verify entries and eliminate or correct all out-of-date, misleading, inaccurate, unnecessary or irrelevant information shall be conducted by March 24, 1977, on all records of students enrolled in District #15 on March 24, 1976.

Thereafter, the records shall be reviewed every four years or upon a student’s change in attendance centers, whichever occurs first.  This section does not apply to records of students who have graduated, transferred, or permanently withdrawn prior to March 24, 1976.


Information added to the student’s temporary record after the effective date of this policy shall include the name, signature, and position of the person who has added said information and the date of its entry.


Student records are the responsibility of the District Superintendent as the Record’s Custodian.  Certain responsibilities and tasks related to records are delegated to competent and reliable professional and clerical personnel capable of handling confidential information.  General questions on these procedures on student records should be directed to the Superintendent.


The Board of Education shall mail any correspondences, notices, records, or reports regarding pupils to both divorced parents upon request of either parent.


School officials will release student records pursuant to a court order or subpoena

presented by local, state, or federal officials.  However, school personnel shall notify the parent(s) in writing regarding the judicial order and the information so provided.


Student records will be released to the records custodian of another school, both within and outside the State of Illinois, in which the student has enrolled, or intends to enroll, upon the written request of such official and parent.  If the request does not include the authorization signature of the parent or guardian, notice must be given to them before District #15 may transfer the records.  If address of parents is unknown, notice may be served upon the Records Custodian of the requesting school for transmittal to the parents.

Such service shall be deemed conclusive, and ten school days after such service, if the parents make no objection, the records may be transferred to the requesting school.  Parents may, upon request, inspect, copy, and challenge such information.


Information may be released without parental consent in connection with an emergency to appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the

health or safety of the student or other persons.  When this occurs, the Records Custodian releasing such information shall notify the parents of the information released, the date of the release, the person(s), agency, or organization receiving the information, and the purpose of the release.


The Custodian of Records in considering whether to release student records relative to a potential emergency situation should consider:


     a.  the seriousness of the threat to the health or safety of the student or other persons.

     b.  the need for such records to meet the emergency.

     c.  whether the person(s) to whom such records are released are in a position to deal

          with the emergency.


School “Directory Information” on students, such as used in yearbooks, athletic or dramatic publications or student honor rolls, etc. shall generally be exempt from the provisions of this policy.  This information normally includes name, address, date, place of birth, weight, height, awards received, and previous schools attended.  However, any parent or guardian who wishes this information excluded from publications may do so by notifying school officials in writing no later than September 1 of each school year or one week following enrollment, whichever is later.  Any release of information other than that specified in the above shall require the prior written consent of the parent or guardian.


No person may condition the granting or withholding of any right, privilege or benefits, or make as a condition of employment, credit or insurance, the securing by any individual of any information from a student’s temporary record which such individual may obtain through the exercise of any right secured under this act or the “Regulations on Student Records” adopted by the State Board of Education.




Any student transferring to another school must complete a checkout form before any school records will be forwarded.  All money owed to the school must be paid in full.  All school materials and books shall be returned prior to withdrawal.




Schoolwork is like any other endeavor by humans in that some people will do better than others.  We do not expect all students to reach the same level in reading, arithmetic, or any other course, but we do expect everyone to put forth their best effort.  The academic program is structured so that all students may experience success if they put forth an honest effort.  The program is highly individualized.  If students put forth a good effort, and conduct themselves as young ladies and gentlemen, school should be a pleasant experience for them.  Students should show proper respect for teachers, aides, and other school personnel by addressing them as Mr., Mrs., Miss, Coach, etc.




Students, as citizens of the United States, are guaranteed certain individual rights and have corresponding individual responsibilities.  Parents, teachers, and administrators have a responsibility, indeed a duty, to protect the rights of students while maintaining an educational atmosphere conducive to the teaching and learning process. The concept of balancing the rights of the individual with the rights of society is as valid in the educational community as in the larger community.  There are certain responsibilities especially required of a citizen who is a student:

     1.  To become informed and adhere to reasonable rules and regulations established

          by local boards of education and implemented by school administrators, teachers,

          and teacher’s aides.  

     2.  To respect the rights and individuality of other students and school personnel.

     3.  To refrain from libel, slanderous remarks, and obscenity in verbal and written


     4.  To dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable standards of health,

          cleanliness, safety and appropriateness.

     5.  To be punctual and present in the regular or assigned school program to the best

          of one’s ability.

     6.  To refrain from gross disobedience or misconduct or behavior that materially and

          substantially disrupts the educational process.

     7.  To maintain the best possible level of academic achievement.

     8.  To respect the reasonable exercise of authority by school administrators, teachers,

          and aides in maintaining discipline in the school and school sponsored activities.

     9.  To treat school property and the property of others with care and respect. 

   10.  To inform staff with information necessary to the safe and orderly operation of the school.




The superintendent is authorized to suspend or expel students from school or from riding the bus to and from school as provided in Section 10-22.6 of the School Code.  Students suspended or expelled shall be given the right of due process as outlined in the School Code.




The administration and faculty subscribe to the philosophy that classroom control is necessary before learning can take place in that classroom.  Students who are well disciplined direct their interests, efforts, and abilities toward greater achievement in the school setting.  We feel that it is our responsibility to guarantee every student and their parents that we will provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. Therefore, Ashley School expects its’ students to behave and conform to all the rules of the school and respect school personnel.




The staff of Ashley Grade School attempts to function on the premise that a positive

approach to handling discipline is desirable.  This approach necessitates a practical

program of preventative discipline, which includes, but is not limited to:


     A.  Recognizing the need for challenging the abilities, needs, imaginations, and

           interests of students.

     B.  Recognizing potential problems of students before they become disciplinary


     C.  Initiating action to contact the student, parent, homeroom teacher, and the

          guidance counselor to solve problems before they become major disciplinary


     D. Giving students rights and privileges in school, but insisting that they assume the

          responsibilities that go along with those privileges.  (See section on Student


     E.  Administering disciplinary action on an individual basis that is hopefully

          designed as corrective action intended to provide a positive learning experience.

 Therefore, Ashley Grade School has developed a comprehensive detention plan and its contents will be adhered to.  An outline of the plan follows:



Ashley Grade School uses an Assertive Discipline Plan in conjunction with the classroom management discipline plan already in place.  Each classroom teacher will have a set of behavior rules for all students to follow.  Individual teacher detentions are not included in the detention plan.  If similar offenses continue to accumulate detentions from the classroom teacher, action may be taken by the Superintendent.  Students will also be expected to abide by the building rules, playground rules, bus rules, and adhere to the dress code.  If a student chooses to disobey any of these rules; detentions, suspensions, expulsions, and parent conferences will be administered.  The proper authorities will be notified as well if State or Federal rules are violated.


Students may receive detentions at recess, noon, or after school for violating school rules and inappropriate behavior.  A cumulative total of these detentions will be recorded for the school quarter and year.  For the purpose of tabulating the number of detentions, a recess or noon detention, and an after-school detention will count as one (1) detention points, an in-school detention will count as two (2) detention points, and an out of school suspension will count as three (3) detention points per day of suspension. Minor violations result in recess detention.  Repeat violations or more severe violations will result in after-school detentions.  Severe violations or acts of violence will result in suspension or expulsion. 


·        Five (5) cumulative detentions points in any one school quarter removes a student from all school activities for the remainder of the quarter (i.e. dances, extracurricular field trips, field day, sport participation, assemblies, class trips, including coronation, etc.).  At the beginning of the next quarter the student will start over with zero (0) quarter detentions; however, the yearly total will reflect the number of detentions received in all quarters combined.


·        When a student reaches twenty (20) total detention points for the school year, he/she is removed from all school activities for the remainder of the school year.


·        Any detention beyond five (5) detention points cumulative in one quarter results in all subsequent detentions received in that quarter (regardless of the nature of the violation) being after-school detentions and counting as two (2) detention points.


·        Any detention beyond twenty (20) detention points cumulative for the school year results in all subsequent detentions received in the year being after-school detentions.


Note:  More severe or repeated violation of school rules or inappropriate behavior may result in suspension (in or out of school) or expulsion as outlined in the School Code.  If a student misses an assigned detention, he/she will not only serve a make-up detention, but an extra assigned detention as well.  Students must attend assigned detentions.  The superintendent reserves the right to determine the appropriate detention or discipline to be given with any act of misconduct regardless of the number of detention points.  The superintendent’s decision shall be final.






Acts of misconduct of serious nature may result in the use of the following types of disciplinary responses. 




      In-house suspension: student will attend school during regular school hours.

He/she will be isolated from all other students during the school day.  Student will

have lunch brought to him/her by the supervising teacher and will be escorted to

and from the restroom.  The student will complete all homework assignments and

exams during this period of suspension.  No teacher assistance will be provided.



The student will be given oral or written notice of the charge of misconduct and an explanation of the evidence against the student.  If the charges are denied, the student will be given an opportunity to present information in his/her behalf reflecting his/her version of the occurrence.


The parents will be notified, by phone or note, of the charges against the student and the reason for In-house Suspension prior to implementing this procedure by the superintendent or his representative.


      2.  AFTER-SCHOOL DETENTION: will be assigned by Superintendent as a

result of major rules violations or gross misconduct.  Student will stay after school for a period of 30 minutes.  The student will be responsible to arrange for transportation home.  Parent will be notified by phone or note when the detention will occur and how long it will be.  Student will not talk and must have something to work on.


3.  OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: In accordance with the provision of the Illinois School Code, the superintendent or a principal may suspend a student who is guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct for a period not to exceed ten (10) days.


      Suspension:  An exclusion of a student from school property from 8:00 - 3:00, school sponsored activities, and denial of educational services, to which the student would otherwise be entitled, for a period not to exceed ten (10) days.  Educational services include extracurricular activities.  Major projects and tests will be made up and one letter grade will be deducted from what was earned on the missed assignments.



A.  Except as set forth in sub-paragraph B below, prior to the imposition

      of suspension, the following procedures will be observed:

1) The suspending school official will give the student an informal

      hearing to notify the student of the charge and disciplinary

      action being considered.

2) The student will have an opportunity to present an explanation

      regarding the charges and evidence with the suspending school


B.  Students whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or   

      property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process may

      be immediately removed from school. 

C.  Any such suspensions will be reported immediately to the parents or

      guardians of such pupil including the date and time of the hearing, a

      full statement of reasons for such suspension, and a notice of the

      parents’ right to review.  This notice is to be sent to the parents by

      mail, plus a copy is to be given to the student to hand carry to the

      parents at the time of the suspension.

D.  A copy of the suspension notice is to be sent to the Board of Education

      via the Superintendent.

E.  A request for a review hearing will be submitted in writing within ten

     (10) school days after receipt of the suspension notice if the parent so

     desires.  The review hearing will take place within ten (10) school days

     of the receipt of the request or on a date mutually acceptable to all       

     parties involved.


4.  EXPULSION:  Expulsion of students guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct will

     take place only after the parents have been requested to appear at a meeting of the

     Board of Education to discuss their child’s behavior at the Expulsion hearing.


     Expulsion:  An expulsion by the Board of Education of the student from school and/or

     school sponsored activities, and/or denial of educational services, in whole or in part,

     to which the student would otherwise be entitled, for a period of more than ten (10)

     days.  Educational services include extracurricular activities.  Quizzes, daily work, and

     homework will not be made up.



            A.  In the event gross disobedience or misconduct leads to expulsion, a student

will be excluded from school and school sponsored activities prior to expulsion procedures as outlined below.

1) The Board of Education may expel students for gross disobedience or     

     misconduct; such expulsion will take place only after review hearing by

     the Board of Education or the Board has taken action upon findings

     submitted by a hearing officer appointed by the Board.

       2) The student and the parents or guardian of the student will be notified

             by certified mail of the following:

             a)   A letter should be sent at least five (5) days prior to the date of the

            hearing or at least three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing if a

copy of the letter is personally delivered to the parent or guardian. 

This letter will include a statement of the incident or incidents. 

The letter will also state the time, place, and date of the hearing as

well as include a copy of the review hearing procedures as set forth


            b)   The hearing will be held at a time and date mutually convenient to

the parties involved.

            B.  Review Hearing Procedures

                        1)  The hearing will be held in a closed session at the request of the parents

     or guardians or the school administration.

2)  The student will be afforded the following:

a.  the right to be represented by counsel (at the expense of the    

     student or parents)

b.  the right to present evidence and call witnesses.

c.  the right to cross-examine the opposing witnesses.

                        3)  A written decision will be issued to the student and the parents or

     guardians within ten (10) school days after a review hearing conducted

     by the Board of Education.  It will contain a statement of facts and the

     basis of the decision.


If the Board of Education finds in a hearing on the suspension or expulsion of a student that the action was unjustified or unreasonable, the following procedures will be followed:

a.  The student’s record will be expunged of all notations or remarks in    

     regard to the suspension or expulsion.

                        b.  The student’s absence(s) will be recorded as “excused”.

                        c.  All educational opportunities and services missed by the student will be





The following procedures shall be used in suspension cases involving special education students:


A.  Whenever a special education student is suspended an excessive number of times, the school district shall hold a relatedness conference to determine whether or not the misconduct is the result of the student’s handicapping condition as defined by the Rules and Regulations To Govern the Administration and Operation of Special Education.  A case study re-evaluation shall be completed and/or updated at the relatedness conference. 


B.  Such determination shall be made by staff members who are familiar with the student’s handicapping condition and educational program in consultation with the staff of the Special Education Cooperative.

C.  If the misconduct is the result of the student’s handicapping condition; he or she shall not be suspended except as provided by Section D below.  In such cases, the student’s program shall be reviewed in a conference and, if necessary, altered to reduce or eliminate the misconduct.  Parental participation in this process is encouraged.


D.  The local district may suspend the student, even if the misconduct is the result of the student’s handicapping condition, if the student’s presence posses a danger to the student, other students, faculty, or school property, or disrupts the educational process.





The following procedures shall be used in expulsion cases involving special education students:


A.  The school district may expel students from school for gross disobedience and misconduct.  An expulsion may be for a period in excess of ten (10) days.


B.  An expulsion shall occur only after the student’s parents have been afforded the right to a hearing before the School Board or a hearing officer appointed by it.  The parents shall be notified of the hearing by certified mail, and the notification shall state the time, place, and purpose of the hearing.  (Illinois School Code, Section 10-22.6).

C.  Prior to the expulsion of a special education student, the school district shall determine if the misconduct is the result of the student’s handicapping condition as defined by the Rules and Regulations to Govern the Administration and Operation of Special Education (hereinafter referred to as the Rules and Regulations).  Such determination shall be made by the local district staff and with the Special Education Cooperative staff familiar with the student’s handicapping condition and educational program in a conference with the student’s parents.  If the misconduct is not determined to be the result of the student’s handicapping condition, the local school district staff may choose to expel the student.  Procedures required by the Rules and Regulations regarding changes in educational placement shall be followed prior to implementing any expulsion, including advising parents of their rights to a due process hearing.


D.  If the misconduct is the result of the student’s handicap, he or she shall not be expelled except as provided by Section E. below.  In such cases the student’s program shall be reviewed in a multidisciplinary staff conference, and if necessary, altered to reduce or eliminate the misconduct.  Parental participation in this process shall be encouraged.  The Rules and Regulations shall also be followed.


E.  The school district may seek a court order to change the student’s placement or expel the student if his/her behavior poses a continuing danger to himself/herself or others in the school.




A written disciplinary report will be made on each student who commits an offense of misconduct.  This report will give an account of the offense and the action taken by the reporting teacher and/or the administration.  A central file will be kept in the office of any student with offenses and will be made accessible to teachers and administration during the school year in order to maintain a fair and consistent progression of action.  Each week, a copy of any reports of offense received during the week will be sent to the student’s parents or guardian which will be signed and returned to the school office.  With this cooperation between school and home we can enhance communication and minimize misconduct.




Respect recess supervisor(s) and others.  Follow directions given by recess

supervisor(s).  (All school rules pertaining to behavior and fair play apply as well.)

A.  Playground

        1.  Students should not cause bodily harm, or engage in harmful physical contact

 (i.e. no wrestling or horseplay)

        2.  Students should inform duty personnel if a ball goes into the street; students

             should not go into the street.

        3.  Students must ask for permission to leave playground.

        4.  Students must not take sharp objects to the playground.

        5.  Students must not throw rocks.

        6.  Students must stay away from puddles.

        7.  Only one student on a swing at a time; no jumping from swings.

        8.  Any action deemed inappropriate by the staff.


B.  Gym

       1.  Students must wear tennis shoes, or soft sole shoes.

       2.  No running on or jumping off bleachers.

       3.  Students must ask permission to leave the gym.

       4.  After the final bell of recess sounds, no balls should be thrown or shot at the


       5.  Any action deemed inappropriate by the staff.


BUILDING RULES  (also pertain to playground)


·        Students shall be dressed appropriately in accordance with the school dress code.

·        Remove hats or caps upon entering the building.

·        No running in hallways.

·        Students are not to bring radios, tape recorders or any music or game device to school.

·        Do not visit in hallways.

·        Take your seat as soon as you enter classroom.

·        Absolutely no gum.

·        No students in hallway at noon or before 8:20 a.m.

·        No loitering (standing idly about or loafing in classrooms or other parts of the building or on school grounds when asked to refrain from this action).

·        There is no passing of notes either in hallway or in classrooms.

·        No loitering in restrooms.

·        Safe play and use of equipment is required on playground and in gym.

·        No fighting.

·        No horseplay.

·        No making fun of students.

·        No use of foul language.

·        No back talk or show of disrespect to any school employee.

·        No acts which are harmful to others or self.

·        No destruction to school property, including graffiti.

·        Line up quietly in appropriate places, no pushing or cutting, no talking.

·        No use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol, or possession of these items.

·        No weapons or items that could be used as weapons.

·        No throwing of objects.

·        Do exactly as you are told by any school employee.  Failure to do so shall be considered an act of misconduct.

·        Acts of misconduct will not be tolerated.  Retaliation to an offense shall also be considered an act of misconduct and therefore punishable.

·        No acts of manipulation, ganging up against another, or antagonizing events to occur or causing others to act in violation of rules.

·        No stealing, cheating, or lying.

·        Since it is impossible to list every rule, the Superintendent reserves the right to judge behavior as inappropriate and take action.  Acts that students know to be wrong, or should have reasonably known to have been wrong, do not require specific rules and will be judged by the Superintendent.




In the event the student brings party invitations to school, they must include all the students in his or her class.  Giving only to boys or girls is also prohibited.  If there is not enough for everyone the student will not be allowed to hand out the invitations.




Field trips are planned from time to time during the school year to enrich the programs of the school.  Transportation is provided by the school.  A permission slip signed by parent or guardian must be supplied to the teacher in charge before the field trip is taken.  Students are under the control of the school while on a field trip and are directly under the supervision of the teacher in charge.  It is expected that all students maintain proper conduct and obey all school rules and regulations while on the trip.


Any student who has five (5) detention points per quarter will not be allowed to attend any non-curricular field trip that quarter.  That student will be expected to be in attendance at school that day.  (No student shall be penalized in such a manner as to miss a field trip that is part of the established school curriculum.  Extra-curricular field trips and end of the year field trips do not apply to this exception.)


Student of the Quarter Field Trip


Occasionally there are special field trips for students who have exhibited good behavior; a separate set of criteria is outlined for these bonus trips from the above.


Students with zero (0) detentions and no unexcused absences for the entire quarter are eligible to go on the Student of the Quarter Field Trip.  Students who do not attend field trips will be required to attend school and work on assignments as given by the classroom teacher.







When a student is withdrawing from school, the office should be informed by the parents well in advance when possible to allow adequate time to gather information necessary for transfer.




Fire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution.  Absolutely everyone in the school building is expected to participate fully in every fire drill.  It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone obeys promptly and clears the building by the prescribed routes.  These routes are posted on the bulletin board in each room and will be explained by the teacher on the first day of school.  The signal for a fire drill is a sustained buzzing of the alarm.  The signal to return to the building is three short rings of the regular bell.


Tampering with fire alarm boxes or fire extinguishers is a violation of the State Law and School Rules and any student disobeying this rule will be suspended from school.




Tornado and disaster drills are scheduled periodically throughout the year.  The signal for a tornado or disaster will be a series of short blasts on the regular bell.  Each teacher will acquaint the students with the procedures to follow.




Please mark your possessions clearly so that in the event of your losing them, they may be easily identified.  All “found” articles should be brought to the office, and people who have lost items should check with the office to see if the article is there.




Hot, “Class A”  lunches and breakfasts are served daily in the school cafeteria.  Meals are planned to meet the nutritional standards established by the State of Illinois and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Breakfast will begin at 7:45 a.m. and serve until 8:10 a.m.


Students may bring their lunches from home or purchase them at school.  In either case, the lunches are to be eaten in the cafeteria.  Milk will be available for purchase to those who bring their lunches.  Students may bring drinks (juice recommended) from home. 


Students will be billed every Friday for the lunches and/or milk they consumed the previous week.  These bills must be paid on the first school day of the next week.


Students will come to the cafeteria on a regular schedule beginning at 11:20 a.m.  They should pick up their trays and sit at the table assigned by the lunchroom supervisor.

Students will remain seated until everyone at their table has finished eating and they are dismissed.  They will then pick up napkins, milk cartons, etc., from the table and return their tray to the kitchen.  Any milk left in the carton should be poured in the container provided for that purpose.  The waste paper and milk cartons should be thrown in the garbage cans, the silverware placed in the container provided, and the tray with any remaining food should be turned in at the scullery window.


After everyone has been through the lunch line, students who have cleaned up their trays may go through the line again for seconds.  They must take their tray with them for seconds.




Students are expected to keep clean and present a neat and acceptable appearance when attending school and school functions.  The ultimate responsibility for styles in clothing,

grooming, footwear, etc., of a student lies with the student and his/her parents.


However, the administration and faculty reserve the privilege of determining whether

student dress is disruptive to the educational process or is detrimental to the student’s health and safety.  Any child who wears inappropriate items to school will be asked to:


            a)  remove the item

            b)  turn the item inside out, or

            c)  call parents/guardians to bring acceptable clothing to be worn.


No student will be allowed to return to class until one of the above requirements has been met.  A student who violates the dress code on more than one occasion may be subject to disciplinary actions.  This policy applies to all grades, K - 8.


The following are a few rules that apply:


1.  Clothing that includes emblems or printing that is obscene, profane, libelous,

     slanderous, or that may incite students to disrupt the educational process is


2.  Clothing that depicts or promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco or tobacco products,

     or any illegal substances is prohibited.

3.  Students should keep torso of the body covered.  No halter tops or shirts unreasonably 


4.  Students may wear “mid thigh” shorts and skirts to school.

5.  Students must wear appropriate shoes in the gym and on the playground.

6.  The hair should not be allowed long enough that it blocks the vision of either girls or


7.  The popular wrestling tee shirts that depict the message 3:16 will not be allowed to be


8.  Clothing must be worn in such a fashion that undergarments are not prominently


9.  Shirt straps must be at least 2 inches wide.

10. Pajamas and slippers are not allowed. 




Your school board, parents, and all the taxpayers of the Ashley Grade School District are providing you, the student, with the best possible facilities and materials to help you get an education.  We have one of the nicest, best kept school buildings in this part of the state.  With your continued help, we can keep it that way.  In part, the community judges our students by the appearance of our school.  Let’s make them proud of both.


A new floor has been installed in the gymnasium.  It is one that the entire community can appreciate and be proud of for many years.  In order to maintain this new floor and ensure its excellent condition for many years, the school is requiring that no shoes that are worn outside be worn while in the gym.  Therefore, we are requesting you send with your child gym shoes that will stay at school and will only be worn in the gym.


No vandalism or destruction of school property in any manner will be tolerated.  Students who violate this rule will be subjected to disciplinary actions up to and including suspensions in or out of school.  Students will be billed for replacement cost of any damaged property.


Students are responsible for all loaned or rented books.  Textbooks should have student’s name on the place provided inside the front cover.




It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all make-up work.  If a student is absent a day or two, they may get the missed assignments from their teacher.


If a student is absent for three days and will be unable to return to school immediately, his/her parents may call the office and make arrangements to pick up the student’s textbooks and missed assignments AFTER THE SCHOOL DAY HAS ENDED.


In either instance, the student should turn in the assignments two days from each day missed.

(i.e. if a student is absent on Monday and Tuesday and returns to school on Wednesday Monday’s work is due on Thursday and Tuesday’s work is due on  the following Monday). 


Students who are absent from school due to family vacations are to request make-up work prior to leaving school for the vacation.  All work missed is due no later than the second day after the student returns to school.


Students absent due to head lice are to pick up their homework daily and return completed homework the following day.  Failure to do so will result in that late homework being counted as a zero.




All student report cards will be sent home, signed by parent/guardian and returned to the teacher WITHIN ONE WEEK.




An Honor Roll for grades 5-8 consisting of two divisions will be prepared and published at the end of each grading period.  A student receiving all A’s will be on the High Honor Roll.  A student receiving at least three (3) A’s and three (3) B’s will be on the Honor Roll.  In addition, a student receiving five (5) A’s and one (1) C will be on the Honor Roll.  The academic subjects (English, Math, Reading/Literature, Spelling, Science, and Social Studies) will be used. 







The Ashley C.C.S.D. # 15 Board of Education adheres to the Illinois School Code’s prohibition on promotion of a student to the next grade level based on social reasons, such as age.  It is therefore, the policy of this district that students shall be promoted or retained based on consideration of the following criteria:


1.  Retention

            A.  0.9 average or lower in combined grades for the year of core subjects.

B.     Student has 3 failing grades in six of the academic subjects.

C.     A student must have a cumulative grade in each subject of 65% or higher to obtain credit.

2.  Possible Retention

            A.  1.5 average or lower in two quarters or more or

B.  student has two failing grades in the same subjects in six of the academic classes in two quarters or more.

3.  Attendance (missing 15% of school days)

4.  Teacher recommendations, administration, parent recommendations, and other pertinent       



Students shall not be promoted for purely social or age related reasons.


Teachers shall notify parents as early into the school year as possible concerning a student who is not doing satisfactory work.  If a student is not going to meet the standards listed above, the superintendent shall call a meeting to discuss the situation and options available to assist the student.  Parents, guardians, teachers and others involved with the education of the student shall be invited to this meeting.  Following this meeting the District shall provide this student with an individual remediation plan and description of services available.  This plan and services may include retention in the present grade level for an additional year, a summer bridge program of no less than 90 hours, an extended school day, special homework, tutorial sessions, or increased or concentrated instructional time.  Some of these options may be available through the district while some may be the responsibility of the parent.

Nothing in this policy will prohibit the retention of a student as considered in the best interest of the student.


The final decision on the placement of the student in a particular grade level shall rest with the district, as represented by the Superintendent.  The Superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Education.




Ashley Grade School participates in the Kaskaskia Special Education Cooperative which includes all school districts in Washington, Clinton, and Marion Counties.  Special help is available to students with speech problems, learning disabilities, physical handicaps, and mental handicaps.  In order to receive help through the Special Education program, except for speech, students must be referred to KSED for evaluation by a school psychologist.




ELO (Extra-Learning Opportunity) should be considered a Supervised Study Hall.  Students can come in to do work, but not to copy or get answers from another student or have homework checked by the supervisor.

Special needs students will spend ELO with the Resource teacher, not the supervisor.

Students will not be in the ELO area before 7:45 a.m.


Students that are disrupting the educational process, not following ELO guidelines or not following the directions of the supervisor will be suspended form ELO for 1 week.  All school rules and discipline procedures apply to all students in ELO.




The Ashley Grade School provides a media center to assist students and staff with class projects, independent study, and pleasure reading.  The media center staff will be happy to help the student locate and learn to use material and audiovisual equipment.  The school library media center will function as a central source of all kinds of teaching and

learning materials and as a service agency for the people it serves.


The media center staff will strive to keep all materials in good condition and expect students to have good citizenship which includes individual responsibility.  Any abuse of the following rules will result in the proper disciplinary action being taken.


     1.  Books may be checked out for a two-week period with one renewal when needed.

     2.  Reference books, magazines, and newspapers may not be taken home.

     3.  Audiovisuals such as records, filmstrips, slides, etc., may only be used in the


     4.  Upon teacher request, all types of materials may be taken to the classroom for

          student and teacher use.

     5.  Parents will be notified if books are overdue longer than one week.

     6.  Good citizenship and good behavior will be practiced at all times in the center.

7.      Students may use the center from 7:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on school days with permission from classroom teacher.

     8.  With proper permission, students in grade 5-8 may come to the center

          during class through the day.

     9.  Students are expected to use care in handling materials and must pay for damaged

          or lost materials.

10.    Students who continue to maintain late books and/or accumulate fines will have their

library privileges suspended.


The Media Center Will Provide:

     1.   Each student with additional materials which they can use to supplement and

           enrich their classroom experiences.

     2.   A source of materials for the general development of the student’s out of school

           interests and recreational reading.

     3.   A variety of instructional materials on different academic levels and varied subject


     4.   An opportunity for students, having the interest and the ability, to have      

           experiences in media center production and operation.




In order to meet the State Goals for Learning, Ashley Grade School is striving to provide experiences in each of the four arts:  dance, drama, visual art, and music.  These goals will be met in the classroom, in Physical Education, and Music Education.




Students in grades K-5 will have general music ninety minutes a week. These classes will provide instruction in the fine arts.  Students in grades 5-8 will have the opportunity to participate in band, chorus, or chimes.  These groups are considered extracurricular.  The students may participate in the Illinois Grade School Music Association Music Contest and are sometimes eligible to go to the state level contest.  Participating in any of the above mentioned musical groups will require a commitment to be at all performances unless advance notice is given.  A schedule of required attendance will be sent home as early in the school year as possible.  They will perform at the Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, and Graduation.




Students will be given the opportunity to start in Beginning Band during the fourth grade.

As students improve their skills, they move to the Advanced Band level.


The Advanced Band is required to play at a combination of boys and girls’ basketball games, the Christmas Concert, the Spring Concert and Graduation.  All Advanced Band students are encouraged to participate in the Illinois Grade School Music Association Contest and many will have the opportunity to play at the State Contest.  Occasionally the band may take a field trip.  The school will pay students’ contest registration, music fees, ad provide transportation for students to the music contest.




The district has some instruments available for use.  School owned instruments are given to the students in good working order.  Should something need to be fixed during the school year, the parents are responsible for the cost of the repairs.




Each student in grades 5-8 has the opportunity to be a part of the school chorus.  The chorus performs at the Christmas Concert, the Spring Concert, and sometimes other shows or concerts.




Students in grades 5-7 are eligible to try out for a position in the Chimes Choir.  Eligibility for this group is determined by audition.  Both boys and girls may try out.  There is a cost involved if your son/daughter is selected for this.  This select group wears identical outfits, the cost of which will be provided by the student.  This group performs at school functions as well as at out of school functions.  They also compete at District Music Contest and again at State Contest if possible.




The athletic program consists of  cross-country for boys and girls, boys’ baseball, cheerleading, peewee basketball for boys and girls, peewee cheerleading for boys and girls, basketball for boys and girls, track for boys and girls, and girl’s volleyball.  Students who participate in the athletic program or cheerleading are required to take student accident insurance or show proof of insurance coverage.  All students who participate in interscholastic athletics and cheerleading must have an annual physical examination on file in the office. (Sec. 5-3.2 S.B.E. Document  #1 Adopted 1-23-80.) Physical forms should be picked up from the school nurse before seeing a physician.  Students will not be discriminated against for participation in 2 sports that are concurrent.


Student athletes are to turn in their complete clean uniforms to the respective coach within one (1) week following the final game of the respective season.  In the event a student does not meet this deadline, that student will not be allowed to participate in any other extracurricular activity until the uniform is turned in.  If the uniform is not turned in by the end of the school year, the parent/guardian must pay the replacement cost of the uniform.


If school is called off due to inclement weather, there will be no athletic practices or home games that night.  Participation in away games is up to the coach’s discretion, however, no student will be penalized in any way for not attending an away game on a day when school is called off due to inclement weather.


Each Pee Wee team will have no more than a total of 12 games per season, including tournaments.  The emphasis on Pee Wee Basketball should be on learning and not on winning.  Based upon philosophy, all Pee Wee players should be given equal playing times during games.


ELIGIBILITY POLICY - these apply to all extra curricular activities, including Pee Wee, of the school with the exception of the Music program where music students will be given grades.


For the purposes of this portion of the Student Handbook, the following definitions will apply:


Extra Curricular  -  Any activity outside of the regular classroom instruction (ie.



Reporting Period  -  Period of time when grades are checked.  A weekly basis is used,

eligibility is from Monday to Monday.


Grade Quarter      -  Period of time which the school year is divided into four (4)



Failing Grade        -  Receiving an average lower than 1.0 in the academic areas, or

                                  receiving an “F” or a “U” in any subject or conduct at the time of                                                grading period.


The following list states the eligibility rules which will be in effect for all students who wish to participate in extra curricular activities at Ashley Grade School.


1.      A student must be passing 6 out of 7 subjects including PE when grades

checked weekly by teachers, and must have no more than five (5) detentions for the quarter or twenty (20) for the year to remain eligible.  Eligibility will be checked after the first two weeks of each quarter.  Subsequent eligibility checks will be weekly.

     2.  A student may resume his/her activities, if at the next weekly grade check,

          the student has an average of 0.83 or higher and is passing 6 out of 7 core academic     


     3.  During a student’s period of ineligibility, the coach will determine whether or not

          he/she may practice with the team.  The student will not participate in the actual

          games or meets.  If an ineligible student does not meet the coach’s practice

          attendance requirements during this period of time, he or she may be cut from the

          team as any other team member would be for irregular attendance.

     4.  Eligibility will also be subject to the rules established by the Illinois Junior High

          Athletic Association.

     5.  For the purpose of eligibility determination, grades start over at the beginning of

          each quarter.




All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students will be assigned P.E. lockers and combination locks.  Students may use only the assigned locker and lock.  Lockers should be kept locked at all times and the locker combination should be kept secret.  If a student suspects that someone has learned their combination, ask the coach or a teacher to change the lock.  It is the responsibility of each student to keep his or her locker neat and orderly at all times.  




Students are required to wear clothes and shoes appropriate for physical activity or unit in PE.  This includes the wearing of tennis shoes or soft soled shoes only on the gym floor. A separate pair of running shoes will be required for activities outside. Sandals or flip-flops are not appropriate for outside activities. No boots or shoes with heels will be allowed.  A

doctor’s excuse must be furnished if a student has to miss more than (3) consecutive days of Physical Education.


Junior High students must purchase a PE uniform for use in PE class.  These uniforms are to be taken home weekly and cleaned.  The student’s name will be printed on both shirt and shorts.


A new floor has been installed in the gymnasium.  It is one that the entire community can appreciate and be proud of for many years.  In order to maintain this new floor and ensure its excellent condition for many years, the school is requiring that no shoes that are worn outside be worn while in the gym.  Therefore, we are requesting you send with your child gym shoes that will stay at school and will only be worn in the gym.




Cheerleading is considered an integral part of the athletic program.  Many consider cheerleaders to be the school’s ambassadors.  Often schools are judged by the enthusiasm and behavior of their cheerleaders.  To be selected as a cheerleader is a high honor and carries with it great responsibilities. 


The sponsor is responsible for the weekly cleaning of the uniforms.


Information concerning tryouts for cheerleaders will be made available before tryouts each year.  Both boys and girls are eligible.


Eligibility will be determined on a week by week basis.  The eligibility policy of athletics will apply.




We appreciate the attendance of the students and parents at both home and away games.

However, we would like to have the parents’ cooperation regarding students and student conduct at all ball games.  These rules include:


            until they are ready to go home.  

      2.   Spectators come to ball games presumably to watch the games.  Therefore, they

            are to be inside the gym when games are in session.  They may go to the rest room

            and concession stands before the game, at half time, and between games.  They

            are to remain in the gym at quarter intermissions and time outs.

      3.   All spectators are expected to practice good sportsmanship which includes

            refraining from booing or harassing officials or players from either team.

      4.   Students can and will be barred from attending ball games if their behavior

            warrants such discipline.




Any person may attend school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events held upon grounds of Ashley Grade School to which the student is otherwise permitted or entitled to attend.

No person shall do any of the following acts while in attendance at school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events held upon grounds of or sponsored by Ashley Grade School.


1.      Do any act which is insulting or provoking in nature against any official, employee, or agent of the District.

2.      Do any act which causes personal injury or which is intended to cause personal injury or which the person knows or should know created a substantial risk of injury to any person.

3.      Do any act which causes damage to property or which is intended to cause damage to property or which the person knows or should know creates a substantial risk of damage to property of any person.

4.      Do any act which is intended to disrupt the performance or continuance of any school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities and athletic events.

5.      Do any act which is intended to impede or disrupt the proper observance of or participation in any school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events.

6.      Enter upon or remain in any area not reserved for spectators or persons otherwise in attendance at school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events or enter or remain in any area which serves as proper ingress or egress to any school sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities and athletic events.

7.      Starting with the 2000-01 school year, all spectators will be prohibited from going on the gym floor before all ball games, at halftime of each game, between games and after games.  This includes all spectators, fans and students not participating in the game currently in progress.


PENALTY:  Any person who violates Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 of this Policy may be:


A.     Restricted by the Board President, Superintendent, or their designees, to observance or attendance at any school-sponsored or related activities, and athletic events from a particular place or area.

B.     Removed from or ordered evicted from any building, grounds, or place at which any school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events are held by the Board President, Superintendent, or their designees.

C.     Prohibited from further attendance at any school-sponsored or related activities, functions and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events for up to one (1) year.


In the case of imposition of Penalty C of this Policy, the following procedure shall apply:

Within ten (10) days from the commission of any act prohibited by this Policy the Board President, Superintendent, or their designees, may in writing, deliver to the Board of Education or Superintendent, as applicable, a complaint against any person alleging the commission of any act prohibited by this Policy that Penalty C should be in effect if imposed.  A copy of the complaint shall be delivered by mail or in person to the person alleged to have committed the act, together with a copy of the Policy..

If the person alleged t have committed the act prohibited so requests, a hearing shall be held as soon as is practicable before the Board of Education or Superintendent, or their designees, as applicable, except that the persons designated may not be the person who was the complainant.  The complainant and the person alleged t have violated this Policy may appear at the hearing.  No formal rules of procedure or evidence will apply.  At the hearing it shall be determined  i) whether the person did, in fact, commit the alleged act;  ii) whether Penalty C is appropriate;  and iii) above, the following shall be taken into account:

A.     The nature and severity of the act.

B.     Whether or not the person who committed the act prohibited under this Policy has committed other acts prohibited under this Policy. Either before or after the act which is the subject of the hearing.

C.     The age, intelligence, and maturity of the person who committed the prohibited act.

D.     Whether the person’s presence at any school-sponsored or related activities, functions, and meetings, extracurricular activities, and athletic events constitutes a threat to any other persons, property, or the events.


Upon the completion of the hearing, the Board of Education or Superintendent, or their designees, as the case may be, shall determine whether the prohibited act was committed; whether Penalty C is appropriate, and for what length of time it should be imposed.


The person accused of the act shall be notified in writing of said determination.  If the complainant or the person who committed the prohibited act is dissatisfied with the decision of the Superintendent or his designee, that person may file a written notice of appeal of the decision with the Secretary of the Board of Education.  Upon receipt of such a notice, the Secretary shall cause the matter to be placed upon the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education; at which time the Board of Education shall consider the matter de novo according to the same rules and procedure as set forth in this Policy for the initial hearing before the Superintendent or his designee.


Nothing in this Policy shall prevent the application of other disciplinary rules of the Board, including, but not limited to those rules relating to detentions, suspensions, or expulsions and criminal sanctions.




Ashley Grade School offers a gifted program in which students meeting required criteria are invited to participate.  Parents are contacted for their children to be involved in this program which has activities during the school day.


Ashley Grade School has a scholar bowl program in which students have a chance to compete with other local area schools.  The practices and matches are held after school.




All fundraisers must be approved by the Superintendent, with at least 30 days notice.  Each organization will only be allowed 2 fundraisers per school year.


Those participants not turning in money for fundraisers in a timely manner will not be allowed to participate in future fundraisers.




Threatening other students or extorting money from them is prohibited.  Students who are victims of such acts are asked to report to teachers so that definite action can be taken to stop such behavior.  Students who engage in this activity may be subjected to suspension or expulsion.





Students are not allowed to bring any type of rodent, bird, or other pets to school without permission from both the teacher and the parent.  Any animal brought to the school either by a student or staff member, will only be allowed for so long as it directly applies to the prescribed curriculum and will only be allowed in the classroom where the curriculum is presented.  At no time will the aforementioned animal be allowed in any non-classroom area (i.e. cafeteria, office or common area).




Because of the danger of injury, no snowball throwing is permitted.





The use of tobacco is prohibited at all times by any student, school personnel,

or other person while on any school property used for school purposes and on school buses.  (Any student found in violation of this policy shall be subject to the Board’s disciplinary penalties for misconduct.)




Tobacco - For the purposes of this policy shall mean cigarettes, cigars, or tobacco in any other form, including smokeless tobacco which is any loose, cut, shredded, ground, powdered, compressed or leaf tobacco that is intended to be placed in the mouth without being smoked.  (Source:  P.A. 86-821; 86-1028.)


School Purposes - Includes, but is not limited to, all events or activities or other uses of school property that the school board or school officials authorize or permit on school property, including without limitation all interscholastic or extracurricular athletic, academic, or other events sponsored by the school board or in which pupils of the district participate.  (Source:  105 ILSC 5/10-20.5b)




Students may not consume, be in possession of, or under the influence of alcoholic beverages on school premises or any school sponsored activity.  Any violation of this rule shall be sufficient cause for immediate out of school suspension.




The administration and faculty reserve the right to search student lockers, desks, back packs, purses, etc., from time to time in an effort to maintain a safe and orderly atmosphere at school and to assure that all school rules are being followed.




1.      Chewing gum

2.      Knives, razor blades or other weapons or anything that could be used as a weapon or is intended to look like a weapon

3.      Fireworks

4.      Lighters and matches

5.      Tobacco and tobacco products

6.      Drugs and alcoholic beverages

7.      Super glue, rubber cement, or white-out

8.      No mind altering material other than prescribed medication 

9.      Laser lights


The Superintendent shall determine the appropriate discipline to be administered if a student is caught with any of these items in their possession or in their belongings based on the severity of item and intent.  Appropriate discipline may include suspension or expulsion. 




All MP3’s, ipods, CD players, game boys, or any other electronic devices declared inappropriate by the superintendent, must be left turned off in their school bag.  Any violation shall result in the device being confiscated, and will be kept until picked up by a parent or guardian. Cell phones may be brought to school, but must be turned off and left in school bag. Phones may not be used unless given permission by school staff.  Under no circumstances may cell phones be used on the bus for regular scheduled bus routes.




All school visitors are required to report to the office when entering the school building and secure a visitors pass from the office.  Anyone without a pass will be asked to leave and could face action from law enforcement officials.


For the welfare of all involved, all unauthorized individuals, such as younger or older siblings, are not allowed to enter the building without office authorization.


Parents Visiting the Classroom:


All parents are asked to check in at the office before entering the classroom area.  Any parent who desires to sit in a class must get permission from the office and classroom teacher first.


Volunteer Service:


Parents may volunteer to be an aide to a classroom teacher with the teacher’s consent, Superintendent’s consent, and approval from the School Board.


A list of volunteers will be maintained at the office for any teacher wishing to have the help of a parent volunteer.  Notice will be provided in the school newsletter to obtain a list of those parents wishing to volunteer their services.




Notice is hereby given that Ashley Community Consolidated School District #15, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to its programs and activities.


Any person having inquiries concerning the School District’s compliance with regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX, or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is directed to contact Mr. Craig A. Kujawa, 450 North Third Street, Ashley, Illinois 62808,  (618) 485-6611, who has been designated to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX, and Section 504.




Possession, use and/or transfer any weapon or instrument capable of inflicting bodily injury on school property is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to guns, knives, clubs, or any object intended to or altered to be a weapon, which could cause harm to any student, teacher, or staff member. 


The board may expel a student for a definite period of time not to exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case by case basis.  A student who is determined to have brought a weapon to school, any school sponsored activity or event, or any activity or event which bears a reasonable relationship to school may be expelled as determined by the school board.  For purposes of this Section, the term “weapon” means possession, use, control or transfer of any object which may be used to cause bodily harm, including but not limited to a weapon as defined by Section 921 of Title 18, United States Code, firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners Identification Act, use of weapon as defined in Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code, knives, guns, firearms, rifles, shotguns, brass knuckles, billy clubs, or “look-alikes” thereof.  Such items as baseball bats, pipes, bottles, locks, sticks, pencils, and pens may be considered weapons if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm.  Expulsion or suspension shall be construed in a manner consistent with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  A student who is subject to suspension or expulsion as provided in the Section may be eligible for a transfer to an alternative program in accordance with Article 13A of the School Code.




If school officials have a reasonable belief that a student violated the laws of the State of Illinois, school officials may contact local law enforcement officials for further investigation and action.






The Ashley Community Consolidated School District # 15 recognizes the special responsibility it has to protect the health and safety of students during the school day and while participating in school related activities.  The School district also regretfully acknowledges that the increasingly violent world in which we live can present dangers to innocent members of the school community.  School officials believe that they should take reasonable steps to protect the school population against the possibility of violence.


Given national publicity regarding school shootings that have occurred recently, the School Board believes that threats made against members of the school community or school property should be taken seriously and dealt with firmly.  Any threats of physical violence or property damage will result in the discipline of the person making the threat.  A student making a threat will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from school for a period of at least one (1) year.  Threats made by employees will result in discipline up to and including dismissal.  Where appropriate, in the case of any threat made by any person, school officials may take steps to encourage and cooperate with a criminal prosecution of the person making the threat.




Use of alcohol or non-medical drugs is hazardous to the health of students.  The illicit use, possession or distribution of alcohol, drug making materials, drugs or look-alike drugs is not permitted on school buses, in school buildings or on school grounds at any time.  This policy extends to all school sponsored and related activities as well as field trips, athletic and music trips, whether held before or after school, evenings or weekends.  Students shall not be permitted to attend school when they are under such influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.  For the purpose of this policy, students who are under such influence shall be treated in the same manner as though they had alcohol or drugs in their possession.


If a staff member finds a student to be illicitly using, possessing or distributing alcohol, drugs, or look-alike drugs in violation of this policy, the student shall be suspended and/or expelled.  In addition, parents will be notified promptly and juvenile authorities will be notified.  In all cases, parents’ cooperation shall be sought.  When a substance is determined to be alcohol or an illicit drug, the identity of the student will be given to the proper authorities for prosecution. 

If there is reason to believe that a student is using alcohol or drugs illicitly at any time on or off school premises, the health and counseling services of the school shall be made available to the student and his parent.




Students are prohibited from engaging in gang activity.  A “gang” is any group of 2 or more persons whose purpose includes the commission of illegal acts.  No student shall engage in gang activity, including but not limited to:


1.      Wearing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry,              emblem, badge, symbol, sign, or other things that are evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang;

2.      Committing any act or omission, using any speech, either verbal or non-verbal  (such as gestures or handshakes) showing membership or affiliation in a gang;

3.      Using any speech or committing any act or omission in furtherance of the       interest of any gang or gang activity, including, but not limited to: soliciting            others for membership in gangs requesting any person to pay protection or            otherwise intimidating or threatening any person committing any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies inciting other students to act with physical violence upon any other person.


Students engaging in any gang-related activity will be subject to serious disciplinary action, including possible suspension or expulsion from school, and the authorities will be notified.




It is the policy of this school to provide students with an environment free from unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal and physical conduct or communication constituting sexual harassment as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law.  Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and disrupts equal education opportunities by interfering with the student’s psychological, social, and physical well being.  This district will not condone or tolerate incidents of sexual harassment of the District’s students during school hours, during district-sponsored events on school property, and at the site of a district activity involving students.


For the purpose of this policy, the term sexual harassment is defined as verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, imposed on the basis of sex.  This district interprets the definition of sexual harassment to include, but not limited to, the following behaviors: unwanted sexual behavior such as touching, pulling at clothes, verbal comments, sexual teasing and/or name calling, spreading sexual rumors, gestures, jokes, pictures, leers, overly personal conversations, and cornering or blocking a student’s movement.

Students may initiate the reporting of an instance of sexual harassment to any staff member.  The staff member will then direct their report to the appropriate administrator.  No retaliation will be brought upon any student reporting instances of sexual harassment.


Discipline measures to be taken will vary with the nature of violation; examples are verbal discussion to suspension and possible expulsion for serious or repeat offenders.




In light of all the violence present in our society and the recent rash of school shootings, Ashley Grade School has installed panic buttons in an effort to keep our school and your child safe.  These panic buttons are designed to alert local law that a life-threatening situation is occurring at the school and to send armed help immediately.  All teachers, supervisors, and the administration will have daily constant access to these.  The panic buttons will be kept in the classroom and all students will be made aware of their function and how to work them (in case a teacher becomes incapacitated).  Everyone supervising students outside the building will have them as well.  Since these devices are to be used in cases of extreme emergency situations only and are directly wired to local law agencies, it is imperative that students not send a false alarm.  These devices are not toys and should be treated with utmost respect.  The Board of Education and Administration of Ashley Grade School will take a zero tolerance stance if a false alarm is sent.  Any student who sends a false alarm will be suspended from school for a minimum of five (5) school days.  Repeat offenders will be subjected to an expulsion hearing and a suspension of ten (10) days.  Any student who conspires to make another student send a false alarm will be subjected to similar penalties.


Panic buttons were put in for the safety of your children, and not designed to give disruptive students temptation.  Please be certain you child understands that misuse of these devices is a serious offense and the consequences will be severe.  Together, we can make Ashley School a more safe school for children.  Please help us in our efforts.






Homework has traditionally been a part of going to school.  With the changing trends in the home and family, it sometimes becomes a burden.  In order to get the most from his/her homework assignment, the student should do the work himself or herself.  They should have a definite time and place to do their homework.  It should not be put off until his/her favorite TV show comes on or it is time to go to bed.  You may take an active role by routinely checking the homework and ensuring that assignments have been completed and with care.  In the long run, it will help you and your child to do this.


If parents have questions about homework, they should not hesitate to contact the teacher involved.





















What can students do to get the most out of the classroom?  What can parents do to help?  Here are ten tips issued by the Memphis, Tennessee Better School committee:


Students should:

1.      Bring a book home from school every day.

2.      Devote at least one hour to home study or recreational reading each school day.

3.      Double-check homework for accuracy and neatness.

4.      Restrict the amount of time they watch television.

5.      Be in the house by nightfall.

6.      Develop good health habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising, and sleeping at least eight hours each night.



Parents should:

1.      Discuss school activities with your child every day.

2.      Get to know your child’s teachers.

3.      Attend school activities regularly.

4.      Encourage your child to do his/her best.

















Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to:

·         Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED)-

1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;

2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;

3. Sex behavior or attitudes;

4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;

5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;

6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;

7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or

8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.

·         Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of-

1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;

2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance,

administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a

student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or

required under State law; and

3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for

marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.

·         Inspect, upon request and before administration or use-

1. Protected information surveys of students;

2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales,

or other distribution purposes; and

3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum

These rights transfer to from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law.

Ashley CCSD #15 will/has develop(ed) and adopt(ed) policies, in consultation with parents, regarding these rights as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. Ashley CCSD #15 will directly notify parents of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. Ashley CCSD #15 will also directly notify, such as through U.S. Mail or email, parents of students who are scheduled to participate in the specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the parent to opt his or her child out of participation of the specific activity or survey. Ashley CCSD #15 will make this notification to parents at the beginning of the school year if the District has identified the specific or approximate dates of the activities or surveys at that time. For surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, parents will be provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and surveys listed below and be provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys. Parents will also be provided an opportunity to review any pertinent surveys. Following is a list of specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement:

·         Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution.

·         Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED.

·         Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.


Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:

Family Policy Compliance Office * U.S. Department of Education * 400 Maryland Avenue, SW * Washington, DC 20202-5901

Notification of Rights under FERPA for

Elementary and Secondary Schools


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:

(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access.

Parents or eligible students should submit to the School principal (or appropriate school

official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible believes are inaccurate.

Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the School principal (or appropriate school official), clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Ashley CCSD #15 to comply with the requirements of FERPA.


The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 250202-4605